Thursday, September 12, 2013

Darn germy children... and other stuff

So last night I came down with something very flu-like. I had to call off work today, and I've been resting and drinking juice all day long. Not very magical... but as the day goes on, I've been feeling better, so hopefully it's a 24-hour bug.

In other news, Nathan will be down to visit tomorrow! So again, hopefully I'm better by then.

One more nice story: the other day I was standing near the cotton-tops when a couple asked me to take their picture by the Tree of Life. As we were walking toward the tree, the guy turns to me, hands me his phone, and mouths "I'm going to propose." And then he did! And she said yes! And I look approximately 100 pictures of the process haha. It was magical.

I'll probably update with some more pictures later when I'm feeling a little less sniffly.