Friday, July 5, 2013


I love my job, and my new place of residence so much. But I'm not sure I'll ever be properly hydrated again.

Sorry for the delay in posts! We are finally done with all of our training and we've been on our own for about a week now. Every single day I get to teach lots of little kids about really cool stuff. Kids are so awesome... they say the most unexpected things sometimes, and sometimes they really surprise me with how much they know! It's always really fun. I'm also starting to pick up my Spanish a little bit, mostly because I actually get to use it. I think I'm going to look up some lessons online and really get better at it again.

So here is what my job actually is: we're Wilderness Explorers! There are badge sites all over the park where kids can do activities and earn badges (stickers) for a handbook that we give them. Most of the badges they can do by themselves, and then they get the sticker from a merchandise Cast Member. We teach at a few of the badges: Flamingo, Insect, Tracking, Gorilla, Animal Call, Forestry, Animal Find, and Wilderness Explorer Call (the caw-car-roar that Russell does in the movie Up... go watch it). We also stand at different animal exhibits and talk to the guests about them. It's pretty awesome.

I've also gotten all four parks under my belt as a guest. The other night my roommates and I went to Magic Kingdom and watched the special Independence Day fireworks, which were really great. I haven't been able to go to the pool since week 1, because we're really into summer now and it rains every single day. Usually around 3-4:00, but a few days ago we had some crazy storms.

I'm also still totally addicted to Pin Trading. I had to move pins off of my lanyard because it was getting too full. Whoops.

Umm. Two of my roommates have had birthdays in the last couple of weeks, so that's been cool. Our wild parties mostly consist of going to a park and/or going to bed early because we have to work in the morning. Wooo.

I guess that's the quick version of the last few days, but in general: I'm still having a great time! It's hot, it's soggy, but I really am loving it. Since I want to go to bed soon, I will put pictures up tomorrow! Thanks for reading!

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