Saturday, August 10, 2013

Feeling proud

So I had a reason to feel really good about myself today. As I said last time, I've been practicing my Spanish and today I noticed that I was a lot more comfortable trying to use it. I'm definitely still not great, but I can at least form basic sentences with confidence and almost always get my message across through a combination of Spanglish and hand gestures. I truly think the Spanish speaking families appreciate that I'm trying. Today, I got almost all the way through Fossil Badge in Spanish but froze up at the end. The mom just put her hand on my shoulder and was like "It's okay, you can say it in English." It was so nice, and it just gives me that much more motivation to keep practicing.

There were lots of really great families in the park today. I had some really great conversations with people, adults and kids alike, who seemed genuinely interested. That's always really nice with the kids, when you can see that maaaybe they do want to learn something instead of just get the sticker for their book. With adults it's even a little better, because if their kids forget, the parents can still remind them when they get home. Or also with adults (with or without kids), they're the ones with the paychecks and buying power and voting rights... if I can get them to care, things will actually happen and happen now... We don't have to wait for the next generation.

I also had a great day at Hollywood Studios last Wednesday (as well as visiting my dear friend Devonie on Tuesday) and so I have pictures and stories about that... But I will write about it on Tuesday, my next day off! Right now, it's time to work on my resume/CV and get some sleep. :)

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