Wednesday, August 14, 2013

If nothing else, there's always the perks

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job. But it's made even better when I get to spend my days or evenings off at one of the parks just goofing off. :)

For instance:

Last Tuesday I spent the day at Hollywood Studios with some friends and it was perfect. We rode Rock 'N' Roller Coaster, did the Backlot Studio Tour, watched a glictchy version of the Indiana Jones show (the giant ball didn't work at first) and did the animation studio drawing class. We got to draw Dug, the dog from "Up," which was the greatest thing ever. Here's my drawing, I'm really proud of it:

At the end of the class, the teacher asked a trivia question about "Up" and the person to get the answer correct one his drawing. The question was: What is the name of the dog that is the chef on Muntz's (the bad guy's) airship in the movie?

Guess who was the only person in the room who knew the answer. :)

The answer was Epsilon.

Last week I also made two fantastic purchases at the cast property control store. The first is an item that I've seen at Animal Kingdom and really, really wanted but would never buy at full price. Can you guess why I like it so much?


There's a small chip on the back of his ear that I'm working on fixing, so pretty much the best decision I've ever made. I also found a completely non-damaged Kilimanjaro Safaris backpack, also awesome.

Oh and I'm continuing to spend too much money on pins. Nothing new there.

On Monday night (my "Friday" night), a few of the presenters went to Magic Kingdom with me. I really wanted to ride Haunted Mansion because I love it but also because it's anniversary was this week, and I rode Tower of Terror on its anniversary too so I guess I'm making that a thing now.

We also at dinner at DAK before heading over to MK, and got creeped on by birds.


We ended up riding HM and Space Mountain, pin trading, and looking for "Hidden Pascals" at the Rapunzel rest area thing. And just generally goofing off. It was great.

One of the 10 (?) hidden Pascals.

Oh. And more impulse buys. Sigh.

Very happy about them, though.

So basically I have the best job and the best days off. Sorry. :)

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